Two important documents on safety in the petroleum activities have been published in the last two years:

  • In 2017, "Helse, arbeidsmiljø og sikkerhet i petroleumsvirksomheten. Rapport fra partssammensatt arbeidsgruppe" (Health, safety and the working environment in the petroleum sector. Report of the multipartite working group) appeared.

    This is often referred to as the Engen report, after the group’s chair, Professor Ole Andreas Engen of the University of Stavanger. The report shed light on the petroleum regime’s robustness and challenges, and was a key precursor to the subsequent white paper.

  • In 2018, Report to the Storting (white paper) 12 (2017–2018) Health, safety and environment in the petroleum industry was submitted. The report addresses the status, trends in development and the Government’s assessments of health, safety and the environment in the petroleum activities.

The Safety Forum has embraced several of the key recommendations of the Engen report and the white paper.

Five multipartite follow-up groups have been established, all reporting to the Safety Forum. 

The Safety Forum’s meetings devote considerable attention to the progress of this work. The results of the work are to be shared with the industry.

For more information, see Norwegian version of this page.