The audit was conducted on 10 June 2021 and formed part of our processing of Ineos’ application for consent for exploration drilling in the Norwegian Sea. This is the company's first exploration drilling on the NCS.

In the audit, we focused on how decision-support documents, criteria and processes, including risk assessments and analyses, were established and implemented in order to protect well integrity in the well planning and hence ensure robust operations.

The audit included a review of the company’s organisation and management, structure and systems. The company gave an account of the content of the application for consent, capacity and competence, internal management system, risk management of the drilling operations and technical considerations relating to the choice and acceptance of the Borgland Dolphin mobile drilling facility.


The purpose of the audit was to verify the company’s robustness in the management of health, safety, the environment and emergency preparedness in the planning and preparations for execution of the exploration drilling.


Ineos appeared to be prepared for performing its first drilling operation on the NCS. The company has carried out the activities required for obtaining a decision on consent for an exploration drilling operation within the regulatory framework for the management of health, safety, the environment and emergency preparedness.

One improvement point was observed during the audit:

  • Deficient internal requirements for competence in well control

What happens now?

We have asked Ineos to give us its assessment of the improvement point observed by 1 September 2021.