The audit was conducted from 22 to 26 February 2021.


The aim of the audit was to verify that preparation and commissioning prior to the start-up of Martin Linge comply with the regulatory requirements. The results of the audit were also to form part of the basis for processing the application for consent to use.


Six regulatory non-conformities were identified during the audit. These concerned:

  • Materials handling in battery room
  • Follow-up of supplier
  • Ergonomic conditions
  • Workbenches in workshop
  • Working Environment Committee
  • Training and necessary time allowed for safety work by safety delegates

In addition, three improvement points were identified, concerning:

  • Helifuel frame design
  • Roles and responsibilities of the operationally responsible person
  • Ventilation when mixing paint

Follow-up of previous non-conformities

We found that the following non-conformities from our audit of materials handling and the working environment at Martin Linge in January 2019 had not been addressed in line with the company’s feedback of 5 April 2019:

Materials handling non-conformities, pursuant to the report following the audit of materials handling, work at height and the working environment in the commissioning phase and preparations for operation at Martin Linge. 

What happens next?

The report contains a description of identified non-conformities, both new and previous, and we have asked Equinor to report on how these non-conformities will be addressed. The company has also been asked for its assessment of the improvement points observed. The deadline for this is set at 30 April 2021.