The audit was conducted from 10 to 13 March 2020.

The audit formed part of the PSA’s processing of Equinor’s application for consent to extend the operating life of the Veslefrikk field.

The audit was a continuation of an audit in 2019 focused on Equinor’s safeguarding of the integrity of structures and maritime systems on Veslefrikk B.


The objective of the audit was to investigate and verify identified measures within the area of structures and maritime systems linked to the pending life extension and safe operations up until the removal of the facility.


During the audit, non-conformities within the following areas were identified:

  • robustness of load-bearing structures and maritime systems
  • assessment of the control system.


Based on the non-conformity associated with the robustness of load-bearing structures and maritime systems, we have issued Equinor with the following order:

Pursuant to the Framework Regulations, section 69 concerning administrative decisions, with reference to the Activities Regulations, section 25 concerning the use of facilities and the Framework Regulations, section 23 concerning general requirements for material and information, we order you to document how you are ensuring that the use of the facility corresponds with the facility’s technical condition and the prerequisites for use defined for safe activities, and that adequate robustness is ensured, such that localised damage or failure in SELMA, in combination with other weaknesses linked to maritime systems and structures, comply with the prerequisites defined for safe operation, with reference to Chapter 5.1.1 of the report.

The deadline for complying with the order is set at 28 August 2020. We are to be notified when the order has been carried out.

Concerning the non-conformity relating to assessment of the control system, we have requested a report by Equinor on how this will be addressed. The reply deadline in this case is set at 14 August 2020.