The audit was conducted on 1 October 2019.


The objective of the audit was to verify the company’s robustness in relation to the management of HSE in the planning and preparations for the start-up of the wells in the Yme New Development project. We wanted to verify that Yme New Development has a robust well design, completion design and maintenance programme, and that sufficient follow-up and maintenance of well integrity for the existing wells has been carried out prior to start-up.

We also wanted to ensure that the risks of reusing existing wells and the risks of well activities are adequately identified and addressed. This includes planned well maintenance and wellhead and Christmas tree replacement for conversion to gas lift.


No non-conformities were identified during the audit.

Four improvement points were identified in connection with:

  • Deficient qualification, maintenance and testing of new technology planned to be used as a wellhead lockdown device
  • Inadequate requirements for competence and associated training in risk management
  • Deficient documentation and verification of sufficient independence of well barriers during planned production and injection
  • The system for maintenance management for well barriers appears to be unclear

What happens next?

RNAS has been given a deadline of 14 December 2019 to report on how the improvement points will be addressed.