
From 19 to 21 September 2016, the PSA carried out an audit of Safe Scandinavia. One of the purposes of the audit was to verify how Prosafe had handled non-conformities identified during the audit of September 2015. Some of these non-conformities, notably relating to maintenance management, proved not to have been followed up by the company. The PSA views this as a serious breach of the regulatory requirements for follow-up and non-conformity handling.


The audit also identified 12 non-conformities and 8 improvement points.

In conformity with the notification, Prosafe AS is now issued with the following order:

"Pursuant to the Framework Regulations, section 69 concerning administrative decisions, with reference to the Management Regulations, section 21 concerning follow-up and section 22 concerning the handling of nonconformities, we order Prosafe AS to review the company's system for follow-up of identified non-conformities, such that the non-conformities are rectified, the causes mapped and corrective measures implemented in order to prevent recurrence of the non-conformities. The outcome of the measures is to be evaluated."

The deadline for complying with the order is set at 15 January 2017. We are to be notified when the order has been carried out.

Explanation of the terms "order" and "notification of order":
An order is an administrative decision made pursuant to the regulations. Before we issue an order, we generally send a "notification of order" to the affected companies.

A notification of order is neither an instrument nor a notice of sanctions, but a step in the PSA's case processing in which we request the party to assess the factual basis. The notification is only the first step before an administrative decision is made.

An order is a strongly preventive instrument which is legally binding on the recipient.