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§ 67 Supervisory authority

The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority, the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority or other designated authority will carry out supervision within their respective areas of authority to ensure compliance with the requirements of the health, safety and environment legislation.
The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority will carry out supervision of the management systems established pursuant to these regulations and will make the decisions necessary to implement provisions regarding the requirements for the administrative parts of the management systems stipulated in these regulations or in supplementary regulations, with the restrictions following from this section's third subsection. This shall be carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian Environment Agency, the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority or other designated authority in their respective areas of authority.
However, for the onshore facilities as mentioned in Section 6 litera e, the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority will carry out audits of the management system under the scope of the Pollution Control Act (in Norwegian only).
The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority can grant exemptions from requirements for management systems stipulated in these regulations or supplementary regulations for offshore petroleum activities.
For activities at onshore facilities, the respective authorities can make exceptions from requirements for management systems within their areas of authority.
Within their respective areas of authority, the supervisory authorities can order the operator to carry out verifications itself, or to have such verifications performed by others, cf. Section 19.
Section last changed: 01 January 2019

The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority coordinates the supervision according to these regulations and regulations laid down in pursuance of them in accordance with the Crown Prince Regent's Decree of 19 December 2003 relating to establishment of the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway and stipulation of instructions regarding coordination of the supervision of health, safety and environment in the petroleum activities on the Norwegian continental shelf, and at certain onshore facilities, with the emphasis that follows from Section 67, third subsection. The cooperation between the supervisory authorities will be described in cooperation agreements.