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§ 9 The health service's tasks

The health service shall
  1. promote health and contribute to preventing illness and injury by
    1. gathering and communicating information on conditions in the enterprise that can affect the general health,
    2. ensuring prudent hygienic conditions,
    3. implementing preventive measures within its area of responsibility,
  2. carry out diagnostics and treatment in connection with illness and injury, including organising first aid in the event of accidents,
  3. contribute to establishing the health emergency preparedness as part of the enterprise's total emergency preparedness, including transport of sick and injured personnel.
Section last changed: 01 January 2011

When performing the duties described in this section, the provisions relating to the health personnel's duty of secrecy, duty to report and to keep journals as stipulated in or pursuant to the Act relating to health personnel (in Norwegian only), will apply. When a mobile facility that is registered in a national ships' register is laid up, the journals should be stored by the shipping company's onshore health service.
The health emergency preparedness as mentioned in litera c, should include
  1. counselling and professional guidance for the health personnel on a facility or vessel,
  2. communication with other health services,
  3. prioritisation of transport for injured or ill personnel to land.