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§ 22 Communication systems and equipment

Onshore facilities shall be outfitted with communication systems that at all times enable internal communication on the onshore facility. Communication equipment shall be selected based on operational needs, the type of activity and defined hazard and accident situations, cf. Section 17 of the Management Regulations.
Communication equipment and associated power supplies shall be designed and protected so that their function is maintained in hazard and accident situations.
The onshore facilities shall be outfitted with alarm systems that can notify the personnel at all times of hazard and accident situations.
Section last changed: 01 January 2011

In order to fulfil the requirement for communication systems as mentioned in the first subsection,
  1. two-way communication systems or internal radio communication should be used where necessary to communicate important information or to quickly achieve contact with personnel,
  2. speaker systems that can provide notifications to strategic locations on onshore facilities should be used, so that all personnel can be notified regarding hazard and accident situations, see also Section 67. The central control room should be given priority to send messages via the PA system.
Protection as mentioned in the second subsection, means e.g. that the equipment shall be located such that communication is not interrupted.
The requirement for alarm systems as mentioned in the third subsection, entails that the general alarm and evacuation alarm can be activated from the central control room. Alarm systems include both audio and visual signals.